Consignors receive 65% of their sales and a FREE early shopping pass for Pre-Sale weekend! Each consignor number holds 200 items. There is an $12 fee per 200 items. (Consignors can "bundle" several pieces of clothing together to make one "item".) Scroll down to watch our tutorial video if you'd like an example! You may have as many consignor numbers as you need!
We use white string tags (size 1.75 x 1.093) and safety pins. Use this link to order consignor supplies. Or you can easily find Consignor Supplies at WalMart or from Amazon!
Our voice entry is a gamechanger! Enter 100 items in 30 minutes. Just remember the order for voice entry is "1. Item 2. Price 3. Size 4. Discount." Watch our tutorial video!
There is a $3 charge to have your barcode labels mailed to you. But labeling your items at home will speed up your check in process. Deadline to sign up is Friday, September 1, 2023.
Save time at consignor check in by labeling your items at home.
All Star Consignors (1/2 price and donate). Please come into the store, complete paperwork and bring items into the store. We will verify your item count, inspect your items and we will put your items out in the store for you!!! All items must be in boxes or bags because we will not have time to unload your totes. This is a complimentary service for consignors that mark all items 1/2 price and Donate All.
You must sign up for a date and time to drop off your items for the sale.